Thursday, January 27, 2022

When to Say "No" to Good Things

"Be intentional in setting up a weekly or monthly date night with your spouse. If a volunteer opportunity comes up that interferes with your date night, just say no".....

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

4 Reasons You're Misunderstanding Each Other

"You were trying to communicate with each other – great! But somewhere along the way, wires got crossed. Now someone is mad, frustrated, or got their feelings hurt – not great. Where did things go wrong? Let’s explore a few reasons why you’re misunderstanding each other – and how to cut through the noise".....

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

4 Reminders to Help When Your Marriage is Tough

When we love our spouses well, we love Jesus well – and vice versa. Loving each other God’s way isn’t always the easy way, but it is always the right way.

Monday, January 24, 2022

How To Talk about Your Relationship (without feeling awkward)

"honest, consistent communication about what’s working (or needs work) in your relationship is vital to staving off complacency and strengthening your connection. But sometimes, it just doesn’t come naturally".....

Monday, January 17, 2022

3 Really Bad Ways to Resolve Conflict

"Conflict is bound to happen in your marriage. But what matters is how you handle it. If you learn to handle conflict well, you can grow closer. Sadly, many couples never learn how to deal with issues. They live their lives in a constant stream of unhealthy conflict resolution. Get to know these 3 really bad ways to resolve conflict so you don’t repeat them in your marriage".....

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Is there an app for that?

Questions for your check-in:
1. What went well this week? (this month?)
2. What didn't go so well? How can we fix it?
3. What is something I did that made you feel loved?
4. What do you need help with?
5. How can I make you feel appreciated?
6. Is there something I've done to hurt or upset you? How can I make it better?
7. Do you feel like we are connected or distant? Are you happy with our communication?
8. Is there something we need to do to strengthen our relationship?
9. What is stressing you right now? How can I help?
10. How can I pray for you?

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

4 Healthy Habits to Commit to Together

"Whether you’re into making New Year’s resolutions or not, one thing we can agree on is that creating healthy habits, no matter what time of year, is a worthwhile endeavor. And what’s even better than establishing healthy habits on your own? Committing to them with your spouse. You’re not only able to hold each other accountable, you’re also able to encourage and motivate each other to stick with it".....

Monday, January 10, 2022

5 Reasons You Stink at Fighting With Your Wife

"I encourage you to start with yourself first. Don’t look at your wife and blame her when things are rocky. Take a good look in the mirror and ask some hard questions. If we truly want change, especially in this area, we must understand the reasons behind our reactions and responses when conflict arises. Here are 5 reasons you stink at fighting with your wife".....

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Try a "Criticism" Fast

"One important disruptor of this negative cycle was a criticism fast. Why was it so effective? To avoid being too verbose, I’ll stick to the prominent reasons.  We had to pay more attention to all the words we were speaking.  If forced us to hone a better and more effective filter for our words.  It gave our self-control muscles a workout"

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Break These Habits and Feel More Connected

"What’s more concerning are habits that seem pretty innocuous in passing, but that sneakily steal away moments of connection. Done once or twice, here and there, they probably aren’t a big deal. But when they become your fallback, your relationship can take the brunt. Break these habits before they break your connection".....

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Goal-Setting for Your Marriage in the New Year

One goal notably absent from this list? “Improve my relationship with my spouse/significant other.” It’s an interesting oversight, given that research suggests being in a securely attached relationship 
is associated with better emotional, mental, and physical health.