Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Creating More EMOTIONAL Intimacy

In marriage, sex is a big deal but it's not the only deal.  Just as important is the emotional connection. This is a great article on how to increase your emotional intimacy.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

9 Things Married Men Need to Stop Doing

I'm hoping that there are some men out there who look at this blog periodically.  If not, wives, you may need to figure out how to (gently) get them to read this.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Leaving and Cleaving: Why is it so much more complicated than it seems?

Leaving and Cleaving

This post is a little long but it's definitely worth the read.  It is written for a women's publication but is applicable to both women and men.  Engaged or "thinking about marriage" couples should definitely read this.

My favorite quote from the article:
"Leaving your family of origin doesn't mean turning your back on your parents, or blaming them for all your struggles, or forgetting everything you learned. Rather leaving, according to the Genesis 2:24 understanding of the term, entails fully transferring your loyalties from your family to your spouse."