Wednesday, April 27, 2022

5 Areas to Strive for Balance

"Sometimes, you just know when things are out of whack. Other times, it’s harder to pin down. Why is that? Well, we don’t just need balance in one area of our lives, but several areas that all intermingle and affect each other. If you and your spouse are feeling out of balance lately, here are five areas to consider".....

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Are Rough Patches in Relationships Normal?

"This time in your relationship might be temporary, and you and your partner need different tools to navigate. There is no guilt or shame involved with hitting a rough patch. It can be the jolt your relationship needs to come out stronger and more valued on the other side"

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Why You and Your Spouse Should Try a New Shared Activity

"A shared activity can be anything you do together, from a hobby to a sport or other recreational activity. These activities will look different from one couple to the next, depending on your interests and your preferences (such as whether you enjoy physical, high-impact activities or prefer something more lowkey). The most important thing is finding pastimes that you can spend time doing together".....

Monday, April 18, 2022

5 Habits to Hold Onto Throughout Your Marriage

"While their absence doesn’t necessarily signal that you no longer love each other, their presence enriches your relationship with a consistent connection and respect that stands the test of time".....

Thursday, April 14, 2022

3 Signs You're Married to a Narcissist

"Narcissism is different from selfishness. All people are selfish to some degree, but a Narcissist is selfish on a very unique level. Here are three signs that someone is exhibiting narcissistic behavior in marriage".....

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

4 Ways to Ruin a Conversation with Your Spouse

"Healthy and consistent communication is a must in marriage, yet so many married couples struggle with this. Why is this? What makes our conversations with our spouse go south? Here are four ways we often ruin a conversation with our spouse (and how we can make it right)".....

Monday, April 11, 2022

Ease Each Other's Worries

"Much like stress, the way we manage our worries plays a significant part in the impact they have on our life and our relationship. In addition to learning self-coping strategies, you play an invaluable role in supporting each other when worries take hold".....

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Change is Easy, Getting There Isn't

We may desire the change, but can’t seem to get there. Change can be easy to talk about, desire, and even envision. It’s the transition from point A to point B that trips people up and keeps them from reaching their destination. Transition can be tough. So how can we make the transition process easier so that real change will occur in our relationships? By doing these 3 things.