Thursday, August 30, 2018

5 Little BIG Ways to Improve Your Marriage

5 Ways Improve Your Marriage

"My research on happy couples showed that an extraordinarily high percentage of them were (often without realizing it!) doing a few little specific actions that were making their spouses feel deeply cared for".....

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Loving Your Spouse Through Suffering

"For the one who chronically suffers, there is always a tension between wanting to escape the pain on one side, and learning to trust and rest in where God has us. The spouse, however, bears the pain indirectly. They do not feel the physical pain that their husband or wife does".....

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Your Husband's Porn Problem is Not About You

"For women whose husbands are using porn, perhaps the most pernicious lie they struggle with is that their husband’s sin is about them. Yes, it affects you. Yes, you can help. But don’t believe for a second that this is your fault".....

Monday, August 27, 2018

The Best Marriage Advice I Never Received

"But there are some important things that we did not fully understand. So if I were talking with a premarried couple, here’s what I’d tell them about the 5 Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Was Married".....

Thursday, August 23, 2018

7 Signs You Are Showing Contempt Toward Your Spouse

show comtempt

"Contempt may seem like such a strong word that you dismiss the thought of it being a problem in your marriage, but take a moment to ask yourself whether you have ever shown disrespect or disdain to or for your spouse, or have looked down on them, or been scornful for some reason".....

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Be Wise: Don't Say Everything You Think

"Words are always powerful. But misguided words hurt and they hurt deeply. As today’s Scripture points out, using reckless words is like stabbing another with a sword. In almost every instance, it’s best to keep the sword in its scabbard".....

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

How and Why You Need to Stay Curious in Marriage

Image result for stay curious in your marriage

"In their chapter on communication and connection, they include a section called Never Stop Exploring as they discuss the importance of staying curious in marriage. Losing curiosity is a common communication pitfall many couples face. Most couples start strong, but then get complacent, focused on career and kids, and curiosity goes away".....

Monday, August 20, 2018

Keeping Your Husband Happy With the Next Day Rule

"Based on my research with thousands of men, there are two clear steps you can use to determine whether or not you should speak up, and how. The men often described this as 'The Next Day Rule'".....

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Guarding Against Adultery

Image result for married couple sitting together

"Adultery is often sparked by emotional unfaithfulness. Two people form an emotional connection, and then sparks began to fly. What was first an emotional affair then becomes a physical affair".....

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Managing the Fires of Conflict in Marriage

Image result for putting out fires

“The amount of conflict in a marriage only determines the speed at which the marriage is moving toward greatness or toward destruction.  If you want to sit still in your marriage, rule out all conflict.  If you want your marriage to crash and burn, let the conflict rage but refuse to learn the skills necessary for managing it.  Well-managed conflict is like a stairway that can lead you to higher and higher levels of marital greatness.”
Neil Clark Warren

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

3 Things to Remember About Your Imperfect Marriage

"You can be realistic and hopeful at the very same time. Realistic expectations are not about hope without honesty, and they are not about honesty without hope. Realism is found at the intersection of unabashed honesty and uncompromising hope. God’s Word and God’s grace make both possible in your marriage".....

Monday, August 13, 2018

5 Romantic Needs of a Woman

5 Romantic Needs of a Wife

"When asked to describe the purpose of romance, a woman will use words such as friendshiprelationshipendearment, and tenderness. Given the same question, a man will answer with one of the shortest words in the English language—sex. For him, physical oneness and affirmation of his manhood equal romance. Can two people with such different perspectives have their expectations met? Absolutely! But creating adventurous romance requires planning and enthusiastic effort. The relationship has to be a top priority".....

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Five Ways to Change the Environment in Your Marriage

"Mending wounded relationships is NOT simple and band aids are rarely effective, but there are some simple, practical, and transforming actions that can be taken to change a tone/vibe/environment within your home and marriage.Try these 5 actions for a week and see if the temperature in your home doesn’t change a little. Plus, even if your relational temperature is 'fine', these ideas may make it even better".....

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The #1 Thing Couples Fight About

Image result for the number one thing couples fight about

"Rarely do couples ever sit down, create an agenda, and argue over a specific topic such as finances. Sometimes they do, but typically they hurt each other’s feelings in seemingly meaningless moments that appear to be about absolutely nothing".....

Monday, August 6, 2018

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Take the Test: Do you put your spouse first?

love your spouse

"Do you love your spouse more than anything else in the world? Or, do you find yourself loving things, your kids, your job, or your hobbies more than your spouse? Marriage is the centerpiece of the family. Research has shown time and again that a strong marriage has immense, innumerable benefits for the kids, community, and society".....

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Protecting Your Marriage's Privacy

"What’s a private matter? Generally speaking, it’s often a given that things like personal finances, sex, certain boundaries you’ve set, and similar subjects are off the table for casual discussion outside your marriage. And only within specific parameters should they be on the table at all (like if you’re seeking counseling, for example, which is also private between you and your therapist)".....