Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Seed of Divorce

"In every marriage is an issue, a belief, a habit, a heart idolatry—indeed, many of them—that can lead easily and naturally to the complete destruction of the union"....

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Divorce-Proof Your Marriage Before You Get Engaged


"Nobody enters marriage expecting it to end in divorce. Yet, if statistics hold true, this is what happens to about half of all couples in their first marriage. However, there are a few steps you can take that will help you divorce-proof your marriage, even prior to getting engaged.".....

Your marriage needs a "kid-free" adventure


"If you and your spouse have children, you know that parenthood is an all-consuming role–especially when the kids are young. Daily routines trump adventure most days, and you find yourself longing for a little time alone together. You might feel a little guilty at the thought of taking a kid-free adventure together, but trust us–it’s healthy for your marriage, for the two of you as individuals, and for your kids, too!"....

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Marriage on the Edge of Eternity

Image result for god and marriage

"Eternity changes how we enjoy marriage and everything else in this life. Eternity changes how we love. It would be unloving to get my wife and kids so focused on this life that they are unprepared for the next.".....

Monday, September 26, 2016

Me, My Anger & My Marriage


“Over the past few years, it seems like your default response to things, (situations, relationships, etc.) that you don’t like or feel uncomfortable with, is anger. You know there are other ways you can respond?”....

Thursday, September 22, 2016

6 Marks of a Healthy Sexuality

6 Marks of a Healthy Sexuality Final

"It’s not inappropriate to ask what is most pleasurable or most exciting for married couples, but meaningful lovemaking is so much more than creating greater sexual arousal and climaxes. That’s why it’s not a bad idea to also ask “What are the markers of a wholesome sexual experience that is accomplishing God’s relational intent?”.....

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Our Friends...are they hurting or helping our marriage?

Dollar Photo Young friends sitting together

"...even though you can have great friendships going on like King David and Jonathan had (as shown in the Bible), sometimes the ongoing relationship needs to be ended if they become toxic —especially if they become toxic to your marriage. Some friends just aren’t good for the health of your marriage, or your very life".....

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

9 Forms of Infidelity

Stronger Marriages - 9 Forms of Infidelity

"Infidelity destroys marriages. I see it everyday. Typically, when we’re talking about “infidelity“, we’re referring only to a sexual affair. While sexual affairs might be the most destructive form of infidelity, there are many other ways people can be unfaithful in marriage. Smaller acts of “infidelity” often lead to a sexual affair. We need to safeguard our marriages from infidelity in ALL its forms"....

Thursday, September 15, 2016

I Want, I Want, I Want!

Image result for I want

These two words seem harmless at first, but if left unchecked, they can be fundamentally destructive to your relationships"....

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Great Word for Marriage from an Article about Parenting

Image result for mercy

Here's a quote from the article (marriage words added):
You see, parenting (MARRIAGE) is all about being God's ambassadors in the lives of our children (SPOUSES). It's about faithfully representing his message, his methods, and his character. It's about working to make the invisible mercy of God visible as we respond with mercy toward our kids (SPOUSES).....

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Has Pride Creeped Into Your Marriage?

"Pride will kill you. Forever. Pride is the sin most likely to keep you from crying out for a Savior. Those who think they are well will not look for a doctor".....

Monday, September 12, 2016

What Your Spouse Needs Most

What Your Spouse Needs Most

"Your spouse may not realize what he or she needs most, but if you want a sacred marriage, you have to focus on what he or she will profit from the most. Jesus didn’t always give people what they wanted or asked for. He gave them what they needed".....

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Would You Wish Your Marriage on Your Children?

The worry about our kids’ “high needs” nearly came at the neglect of the ever growing “high needs” of our slowly fading marital satisfaction in those tense first few years of parenting. The reality is, our kids were fine. It was our marriage that needed the attention....

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

How to Help Your Spouse When Anxiety Hits


"Anxiety. Most of us have been there: an issue that–to the outside world–seems arguably small balloons into a crushing, suffocating weight. Our hearts race. Our palms sweat. We descend into a spiraling panic, and find that it’s difficult (and even hopeless) to stop the feeling of dread building inside our chests".....

When Your Spouse Walks Out

Dave Willis quote inspirational choices made in fear create regrets choices made in anger create pain choices made in love create hope

"Every day, I hear from a husband or wife whose spouse wants a separation. It’s a heartbreaking scenario when you find yourself fighting for your marriage while your spouse is fighting for a separation or divorce".....

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Two Dimensions of Marriage

Image result for marriage working together

There are two questions we can ask within marriage that will take us to two entirely different dimensions. We have to choose in which dimension we want to live. The two questions are these: “How can I bless you?” Or: “How can I get my own way?”.....