Thursday, October 27, 2016

5 Ways to Develop Grit in Your Marriage

"Grit can be defined as the power of passion and perseverance. It’s a never give-up attitude. Grit is the Little Engine That Could who says, “I think I can. I think I can. I think I can!” Grit realizes there are no shortcuts to excellence and one of the secrets is long-term tenacity. Grit knows that enthusiasm is common, but endurance is rare.".....

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Love for a Flawed Person


"You and I just don’t get to be married to someone perfect. It seems obvious enough, but many people get married with unrealistic expectations about who they’re marrying. Here’s the point: you both bring something into your marriage that’s destructive to what a marriage needs and must do. That thing is called sin.".....

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

To the Spouse Who's "Checked Out" of the Marriage


"You tell yourself there is no hope for the marriage. You tell yourself that you are out of options. Out of love. Out of trust. You can’t bear to even look your spouse in the eyes anymore, because you’ve checked out. It’s over…or, at least, you’ve resigned yourself to that thought.".....

Monday, October 24, 2016

Date Night Questions

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Our church (First Baptist Church Allen) hosted a "DATE NIGHT" this past weekend.  Here are the questions we handed out to couples to discuss on their date:

Starting off easy
1. Share a highlight from the week.

2. Give at least 3 things you are thankful for about your spouse/marriage.
3. What's something fun you would like to do that you two haven't done in a while?

Digging a little deeper
1. What is something you take for granted in your marriage?
2. Where are you making "war" in your marriage right now?  Is that a battle you should be fighting?
3. Do you feel like you make your marriage the top priority?  If not, why?

Next level
1. From the list of the Fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control--Galatians 5:22-23), where do you think you are strong and where do you think you struggle?  Then ask your spouse for their opinion on your answer.
2. In your marriage, where do you think you are more committed to the "kingdom of self"? Then ask your spouse for their opinion on your answer.
3. How will focusing more on the "Kingdom of God" help your marriage? Be specific.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Your Marriage Isn't Hopeless

Your Marriage is Not Hopeless_IND-01

"I don’t know about your experience with marriage, but there is one thing I know: regardless of who you are, where you live, or whom you’re married to, your marriage has hope.".....

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Keys to Unlock Great Communication


"When you ask any couple what the key to a successful marriage is, they’ll likely include “great communication” in their list. But when we’ve asked couples what “good communication” is, we’ve gotten a lot of foggy answers."......

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

What Foxes Are Ruining Your Fun?

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"In Song of Solomon 2:15, the writer says, “Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards, for our vineyards are in blossom,” (ESV). Foxes are pests that wreak havoc in vineyards – they eat grapes, dig holes and trample vines in search of their prey. They have no regard for the vulnerability of the vines and grapes, only for their selfish appetites. Seemingly harmless and typically only 15 inches tall, they dig holes and passages that loosen the soil around vines, preventing a stable root system.
The foxes represent some deterrents that threaten to spoil their relationship between the man and woman from the Song of Solomon; the small problems that gnaw at the roots of love. If we desire to have fun and pursue each other well in marriage, we need to catch the foxes that spoil the vineyards.".....
Part 1:

Part 2:

Monday, October 17, 2016

You Need What You Don't Want


"Ruts are comfortable, but limiting. They stifle personal and spiritual growth. Marriage sometimes forces us out of those ruts so that we are invited to grow in areas in which we may not want to grow, but in which God is eager for us to grow"......

Thursday, October 13, 2016

5 Ways You May be Destroying Your Marriage

couple in distress

Many times couples are destroying their marriage – and, most times, it’s not intentional and they didn’t even know it was occurring. So, let me address this to those who may be in a season – or an upcoming season – where a good marriage is in jeopardy. (Satan loves those seasons.).....

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

It's Not Flashy but It Matters

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“Faithful” isn’t the most exciting of words. It’s kind of boring. You won’t read of a Nicholas Sparks’ hero telling his girlfriend, “I just want to be faithful to you my entire life.”....

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

It All Boils Down to These 2 Things

couple in love

This is a lengthy article but well worth the read....

Angry at Your Spouse?


"All married couples experience anger. The tragedy is that thousands of couples never learn how to process anger productively. Marriage becomes a battlefield, each spouse accusing the other of firing the first shot. If a couple do not learn to properly handle their anger, they will never have a satisfying marriage.".....

Monday, October 3, 2016

5 Ways to Guard Your Life from Temptation

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"We all struggle with temptation. Every single one of us. Some of us struggle with food, some with alcohol. Some of us crave the praise of man, and others struggle with the temptation to shop for stuff we think will make us happy. Others wrestle with telling the truth. Some of us are lucky enough to struggle with all of the above.".....