Tuesday, February 27, 2018

What Happens When You Don't Listen to Your Wife?

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"Okay, men. You get home from work, walk in the door, and your wife starts talking about her day. Frustrations with her boss at work, her lunch with a friend, and challenges with a child are the first things she shares. Somewhere in the midst of her words, you slowly tune out, look down at your phone, and let your mind wander to other things. You might think she doesn’t notice, but she does. By not keeping eye contact and engaging with her, she senses that you don’t care and that you think something else is more important.".....


Monday, February 26, 2018

Thursday, February 22, 2018

7 Signs of Selfishness in Marriage


"It’s the greatest enemy of every marriage: selfishness. And sometimes it tends to sneak up on us. Most couples start out doing all they can to serve and make each other happy. But somewhere along the way, a willingness to go to the end of the world for the other person gets overtaken by a reluctance to even cross the room—to get them something or move towards them.".....


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

When Your Spouse Feels More Like a Roommate

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"No matter where your marriage is today, take time to look in the mirror. Ask yourself these questions. What does your spouse see? How are they interpreting your words and actions? What needs to change?".....


Monday, February 19, 2018

7 Musts for Your Marriage

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"A wedding is about saying 'I do' one day. A marriage is about saying 'I do' every day, rain or shine, good or bad".....


Thursday, February 15, 2018

What Does Your Marriage Communicate to the World?

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"We’ve got to change the message we communicate about marriage. Young couples today wait longer and longer to get married as the average age of marriage keeps creeping up in years. And, more unmarried couples act like married couples by having sex and moving in together. These factors do contribute to a lower marriage rate. But, I believe the main reason young couples choose not to get married is".....


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Mr. Fix It

"One of the most common frustrations in marriage is that some wives think their husbands are nearly robotic when it comes to emotions, and some husbands may think their wives are overly emotional. Stereotypes aren’t always true and can even be destructive, but in this instance, when it is true, it really is 'a brain thing.'"


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Guys: 7 Threats to Your Marriage


"Many times, in marriage, when things go wrong we look to change our behavior or our circumstances. Most of the time these fixes are just temporary. The real threats lie below the surface, in our attitudes. It’s important to not only recognize these wrong attitudes but then to adjust them as well. With that in mind, here are 7 threats to your marriage".....


Monday, February 12, 2018

"What if I want sex more than my husband does?"

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"For many women, the 'men always want sex' stereotype has been fed to them for so many years that they assume their husband will always be initiating and constantly in the mood. When he isn't, they sit silently and make a list of all the things that must be wrong with them. STOP!".....


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Should we talk about our struggles with others?

marital problems

"Every spouse in every marriage will, at some point, want to talk to others about some private marital struggles. Many just want someone to listen, or to understand the hurt, anger or confusion they are going through. Susan and I have had our moments of venting to friends in our 28 years of marriage. But sharing things carelessly, to the wrong person at the wrong time, can change a problem into a full-blown crisis. Before baring marital problems to others, there are nine things below you might consider".....

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Don't sweat the small stuff

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"We all have things people around us do that drive us crazy. Many times, the worst offenders are those closest to us, namely our kids, and even our spouse. There is little doubt you have personal examples you could have written into the intro. One of the tough questions you have to ask yourself is whether or not the offense against you is worth mentioning".....


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Comparing is a fast track to dissatisfaction

comparing marriages

"It’s very easy to think about the things we see missing in our spouse and marriage. Or the improvements we want to see while taking for granted all the good things about our spouse and marriage".....


Monday, February 5, 2018

I'm not a Nag...Am I?

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"For a long time, I couldn't figure out why my husband didn't understand this. I thought of nagging as 'reminders' or 'motivation.' But when I asked David for his explanation, he agreed with the more descriptive definition in Merriam-Webster's dictionary: 'To find fault incessantly.'".....


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Don't Make Your Spouse the Enemy

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"Many times the spouse reaching out for help is not really reaching out for help. They’re reaching out to vent about what they believe to be the source of all their problems — their spouse!".....
