Monday, June 26, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: Your words matter

In James 3:1-12, James writes about the power of the tongue and our words. Our words matter: what we say and how we say it matter, and we need to learn to be good stewards of our tongues and the words we speak. All throughout the book of James, the reader is reminded that we cannot separate our faith from our conduct, behaviors, and words. One of the marks of an authentic Christian faith is control of our speech.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

4 Ways Marriage is Like a "Crossfit" Workout

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"A couple with a Crossfit Marriage is one who is willing to take the necessary steps, regardless of how painful they are or how silly they make them look, to attain a 'fit' marriage".....

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Is Money Bankrupting Your Marriage?

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"If you asked 100 people what is “enough” money to be rich, you’d soon realize that what is 'enough' for one person is completely inadequate for another. That’s because money is not about how much one has, but about how much one has relative to what one believes is enough".....

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Husbands: the balance between acceptance and change

We must be careful here. On one hand, it’s a sign of maturity in a marriage to accept the way our spouses are in some areas and not keep crusading for change. But on the other hand, we cannot be a godly husband and continue in some behavioral patterns. They have no place in a God honoring marriage.

21 Ways to Love Your Spouse

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It’s easy to fall in love and to marry the person you’ve fallen for; it’s a much bigger endeavor to nurture that love for a lifetime. The good news is, it can definitely be done! 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Watch What You Say!

"Words are powerful tools. They can create, or they can destroy. They can build up, or they can tear down. I believe most people have a drive to align their actions—and their attitudes—with their words. If you start speaking well of someone, you start believing what you say".....