Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Coping with Competitive In-Laws

"Family relationships can be complicated. This is especially true when you marry and combine families. If your in-laws happen to be competitive, this adds an entirely new layer of issues to navigate".....

Thursday, May 19, 2022

5 Things to Leave Out of a Fight

"When arguing as a couple, we know what presses our spouse’s buttons. The longer you’re married, the more you know what will get at the other. 
When we argue, there are things we do that aren’t helpful and in fact, cause more problems. Here are 5 things to leave out of a fight with your spouse".....

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

10 Encouraging Facts about Marriage You Need to Hear

How often do you hear someone toss out negative comments about the state of marriage today? For example: Half of marriages end in divorce, The pandemic was brutal for marriages, Divorce has been rising for years, Churchgoers don’t do any better at marriage. Most conventional wisdom about marriage today is depressing—and yet most of it is also not true!

Monday, May 9, 2022

The Worst Marriage Advice Ever

"Some marriage advice is helpful and given with the best of intentions. Unfortunately, other well-meaning counsel is misguided and useless. Here's a summary of the worst marriage advice I've heard".....

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Husbands: 50 Ways to Inspire Your Wife

"But remember that, at least in part, a man’s impact may be measured in the joy and character of the people closest to him. The way that a man sees his wife, the way he cherishes her, has a lasting effect on her beauty within and without. How does your wife feel about you and your relationship to her? How do you want your children to remember your acts of love for their mother?"......

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

4 Ways to Practice Generous Grace in Your Marriage

"How we choose to respond to our spouse’s shortcomings builds and shapes our character. And our ability to extend grace, forgive, and correct our own mistakes with humility helps to strengthen our marriage in turn. In even the healthiest of relationships, extending generous grace is a requirement. Let’s take a look at four ways you can practice grace-giving in your own marriage."