Sunday, December 23, 2018

What Your Husband Really Wants for Christmas

What your husband really wants for Christmas

"Why is it so hard to shop for men? Probably because we are coming at it from a woman’s point of view. A man would ask, 'Why are women so hard to shop for?' Well, it’s because we’re created so differently. A little Scripture searching and marriage experience will teach you that. Both men and women were created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). But this time of year, it seems the similarities end there. So where does that leave us wives who really want to express to our husbands just how much they mean to us? For one, accept the differences between you and your spouse. Two, read on".....

What Your Wife Really Wants for Christmas

What does my wife really want for Christmas?

"We know women can be hard to shop for (honestly, we feel the same way about you). If you feel stuck shopping for your wife this year, maybe it’s time to step outside the box this Christmas. Instead of dazzling her with diamonds, delight in the joy she brings to your life. As Solomon wrote in Proverbs 18:22, 'He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.'”.....

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

20 Things Wives Love to Hear From Their Husbands

what women like to hear

"You can’t communicate your appreciation for her and her efforts enough. This is another example. Don’t let a day go by where she feels taken for granted. When you see it, tell her".....

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Believing the Worst of Those Who Love Me Most

"And yet in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when she in some way displeases me, I can act as if she has never loved me at all, as if she has only ever treated me with contempt. In a moment I can throw out all those years of love and sacrifice and assume that she is now opposed to me, looking out for her interests instead of mine, interested in harming me rather than helping me. In a moment I throw away all these evidences of her love and behave as if she hates me".....

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

6 Ways to Nurture Honesty in Your Marriage

honesty in marriage

"We don’t lie just with words—sometimes we can lie by withholding them. It can be tempting to let our spouse assume something that’s not true by not correcting them, but that’s still dishonesty".....

Monday, December 10, 2018

A Backdoor to Happiness in Marriage

How to encourage your husband

Some of our spouses may not even realize they have a best side. It’s our job—and joy—to help them discover it. Others may have never allowed their best side to flourish—or even be seen—because they’re insecure. If that’s the case, when we learn to cherish them, we will provide the support they need.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

3 One-Liners that Make a Huge Difference in Our Marriage

3 One Liners That Make a Huge Difference in Our Marriage

"Now, I realize life is complicated and you need more than three one-liners in your marital toolbox, but often we make marriage way to complicated by creating our own drama. Having simple ways to get our marriages back on course is crucial".....

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

10 Things Kids Learn from Their Parents' Marriage

Image result for kids and their parents marriage

"Kids are always watching their parent’s marriage and yet too many marriages underestimate the power of modeling! Children are taking daily recordings of what a marriage looks like and those recordings are definitely influencing and shaping their view of marriage. So, live your marriage wisely to make sure the message you are sending your kids is the message you intend to send".....

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

What to Do When Your Sex Life is Suffering

sex life

"I’ve heard from a number whose physical relationship is an area of struggle for them, and how it can put a big strain on the rest of their relationship. So how should we respond when we and our partner are experiencing difficulties with our sex life?".....

Monday, December 3, 2018

When You and Your Spouse Remember it Differently

Image result for mr right and mrs always right

"Sometimes we remember things in a different way than our spouse remembers it. We are certain we said one thing and they’re certain we said (or didn’t say) another. Here are three brief reminders from A Lasting Promise for when the filter of memory affects your communication and conflict resolution".....